A New Day Begins Now!

Hypnotherapy is for Health.

The quickest and safest therapy there is.  It is completely reversable, if you choose to become a smoker again, or live your life in fear again, you can - but why would you?  We want to help you get fixed!

It can help people to manage and deal more effectively with the pressures and stresses of modern day living.  It is also about effortlessly discovering your true self.  Hypnosis is a state of relaxation, much like day-dreaming, where you are still aware of what is going on and you are always in complete control.  It is nothing like Stage Hypnosis, you are in total control.

Regression Therapy - An event that may not necessarily have happened in a past life, but in your earlier present life, perhaps a few days or years ago even childhood, can be accessed to help you resolve the effect that it may have upon your life now in a weird and unusual way that logically you would not expect.  You can clear the ties from the past and make the future easier.

Past Life Regression - Have you ever had a 'deja-Vu' feeling, meeting someone for the first time and having a sense of having met that person before?  Or visiting a place you have never been to and having a familiar feeling or recognition about it?

We unconsciously carry experiences and relationships from previous lives into our current one.  Past Life Regression Therapy uses hypnosis to gain access to memories or experiences of past life times.  You don't need to believe or accept the concept of reincarnation to access a past life or for the therapy to work.  Memories, impulses or energy from past lives can create patterns in this lifetime.  By dealing with the problem in the past life you can resolve the problem of this life, clearing blockages from another life which are affecting our lives today.  These may be pysical, emotional, psychological, behavioural or mental.  We can also focus on positive experiences of the past to help us strenght and clarify our lives here today or to find our purpose in this life time.

Reasons you may want to undergo Regression Therapy:

Interest - Sometimes people are curious as to the possibility of having lived before. They want to know about their past life.

Healing - Regression therapy can heal and transform people's lives.  Many times we have problems in this life with roots in the past.

Understanding - Regression therapy can bring understanding to your life, world and self.  It is a precious experience of intuition.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as demonstrated on Paul Mckenna's TV show 'I can make you thin' - Complete Mind Therapy (CMT) Created by Dr Jonathan Royale

EFT is a meridian therapy, like acupressure, providing a means of dealing with emotional negativity and energetic disruption to the human body.  It uses pressure of fingers or tapping on to pressure points in the body.

How does it work?

The theory behind it is that 'the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system' - it is out of sync.

What EFT does is ti sychronise it again.  It does so by tapping in certain points on the meridians, bringing rapid, effective and permanent relief from many problems we have, inc habits and addictions such as: Smoking, Caffine and other drugs etc.. even phobias.

You are encouraged to concentrate on the specific problem and focus on a positive phrase that represents the antithesis of the disabling emotion.   You then repeat the phrase while tapping with fingertips on various points on the body and head.  The tapping balances the energy meridians that have been affected by emotional disruption.

Benefits of EFT:

A major advantage of EFT is that it can be practised by anyone on thier own.  Once the technique has been mastered.  It is fairly simple simple to do, and it can be used whenever the need arises.

The Swish technique is not truly to do with hypnosis, though I have used it with many clients in that way. It is a very powerful technique for self-improvement. The swish technique is from a branch of psychology known as NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and is used for a great many purposes by successful people all over the World. It is particularly suitable to help you deal with 'one-off' situations where you need a confidence boost, although there are many other times when it may be useful. To use it successfully, you need to be in a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. It's better if you are wide awake - you will have your eyes closed and it is easy to fall asleep during this technique because of its somewhat repetitive nature.

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

Many of the models in NLP were created by studying people who did things incredibly well. Models such as: Meta-model, sensory acuity, Meta Programs, Milton Model, representational systems and submodalities among others, provide a diverse set of tools for creating change in yourself and others.

The meta-model is set of questions designed to find the explicit meaning in a person's communication. For example:

  • He hurt me. 
  • Meta-Modeler: Who hurt you?
  • Bob hurt me.
  • Meta-Modeler: How did he hurt you?
  • He wouldn't take out the trash like I asked him to.

Another example:

  • I can't believe she's like that!
  • Meta-Modeler: Who?
  • Jennifer Lopez.
  • Meta-Modeler: What's she like?
  • She's so amazingly gorgeous!

Meta-Modeler: Hey, what about me?! (oops, that not Meta-model)

Many of us would have assumed we knew what was meant by "He hurt me." or "I can't believe he's like that", based on our own experiences. By having the ability to find other people's meaning in their communication, we can be more capable in communicating with them.

Sensory Acuity - A person's thought process is very closely tied with their physiology.

A dog senses your fear:

how did he know if you didn't tell him?

If a friend is depressed, most of us can tell without even talking with them.  We pick up clues from their body: slumped shoulders, eyes downcast, head down,  lack of animation (and in extreme cases, a loaded pistol held to the head).  Sensory acuity takes these observations beyond the more obviously recognizable  clues and uses the physical feedback in addition to someone's words to gain as much from communication as possible.

Meta Programs are filters through which we perceive the world.

The old maxim,  is the glass half full or half empty (or just fluidically challenged) is an example.

Another example would be how two different people might approach an argument.  A person with what we would call an "away from" strategy would be likely to be finding any way to get away from the conflict.  Someone using a "toward" strategy would be more likely to be heading toward a specific goal,  perhaps of finding an amicable solution to the conflict.

The primary difference between the two being, when you're moving away from something, you never know what you may back into.  When you change these filters, it can dramatically change how we approach situations and how we perceive the world.

Milton Model:  A set of linguistic patterns derived from Milton Erickson,  the father of modern hypnotherapy.

These language patterns are used to help guide someone without presuming what they are experiencing in their minds. For example:

"Think of a time when you were laughing."

It doesn't define when or how hard you were laughing so it applies to everyone (I hope).

The Milton-model helps with maintaining rapport and is often used in hypnotic or trance state sessions.

representational systems and submodalities - The representational systems in NLP are simply enough the five senses. We represent the world using the:

  • visual (images),
  • auditory (sounds),
  • kinesthetic (touch and internal feelings),
  • gustatory (tastes)
  • and olfactory (smells) senses.

We picture ourselves lying on a sunny beach, hear the voice of the lifeguard yelling, feel the sensation only sand in your bathing suit can produce, taste the soggy egg salad sandwiches we brought for lunch and smell the aroma of the surf wafting into our nostrils. Our thinking consists of these images, sounds, feelings and usually to a lesser extent, tastes and smells.  The entirety of our experiences have been recreated through these senses in our memories and govern our capabilities and beliefs. Curiously enough, our predominant representational system in a given context often shows up in our language, for example: Responding to the statement:

  • "I think the Jensen project is going well."
  • Visual: Yep, looks good to me.
  • Auditory: I been hearing good things about it.
  • Kinesthetic: I feel good about the whole project.
  • Olfactory: Smells like a winner to me.
  • Gustatory: I can taste the victory.

It's no wonder smells and tastes are less commonly used considering how hard they are to work into conversation. The qualities or attributes of the representations you make using your five senses are submodalities.

For example,

make a picture of someone you love in your mind. Now, make the colors more intense and notice how it affects your response to it.  Now make it black and white and notice your response. Return it to its original shades and hue and bring the image closer.  Now move it further out. Return the picture to its original state, noticing how each of those experiments affected your response. Submodalities are the fine tuning to your representations and can be used to create powerful changes. The interesting thing to note here is that once you understand that you create your internal world, you realize you can change it.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - CBT aims to help you to change the way that you think, feel and behave. It is used as a treatment for various mental health and physical problems.

Our 'cognitive processes' are our thoughts which include our ideas, mental images, beliefs and attitudes. Cognitive therapy is based on the principle that certain ways of thinking can trigger, or 'fuel', certain health problems such as anxiety, depression, phobias, etc, but there are others including physical problems. The therapist helps you to understand your current thought patterns. In particular, to identify any harmful, unhelpful, and 'false' ideas or thoughts which you have that can trigger your health problem, or make it worse. The aim is then to change your ways of thinking to avoid these ideas. Also, to help your thought patterns to be more realistic and helpful

Behaviour therapy

This aims to change any behaviours that are harmful or not helpful. Various techniques are used. For example, a common unhelpful behaviour is to avoid situations that can make you anxious. In some people with phobias the 'avoidance' can become extreme and affect day-to-day life. In this situation a type of behaviour therapy called 'exposure therapy' may be used. This is where you are gradually exposed more and more to feared situations. The therapist teaches you how to control anxiety and to cope when you face up to the feared situations. For example, by using deep breathing and other techniques.

Cognitive behaviour therapy - CBT

This is a mixture of cognitive and behaviour therapies. They are often combined because how we behave often reflects how we think about certain things or situations. The emphasis on cognitive or behaviour aspects of therapy can vary depending on the condition being treated. For example, there is often more emphasis on behaviour therapy when treating obsessive compulsive disorder (where repetitive compulsive actions are a main problem). On the other hand, the emphasis may be more on cognitive therapy when treating depression.

What conditions can be helped by CBT?

CBT has been shown to help people with various condition - both mental health conditions and physical conditions. For example:

  • certain anxiety disorders including phobias, panic attacks and panic disorder
  • depression
  • eating disorders
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • anger
  • post-traumatic-stress disorder
  • sexual and relationship problems
  • habits such as facial tics
  • drug or alcohol abuse
  • some sleep problems
  • chronic fatigue syndrome / ME
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • chronic (persistent) pain

As a rule, the more specific the problem, the more likely CBT may help. This is because it is a practical therapy which focuses on particular problems and aims to overcome them. CBT is sometimes used alone, and sometimes used in addition to medication, depending on the type and severity of the condition being treated.

What is likely to happen during a course of CBT?

The first session of therapy will usually include time for the therapist and you to develop a shared understanding of the problem. This is usually to identify how your thoughts, ideas, feelings, attitudes, and behaviours affect your day-to-day life.

You should then agree a treatment plan and goals to achieve, and the number of sessions likely to be needed. Each session lasts about 50-60 minutes. Typically, a session of therapy is done once a week. Most courses of CBT last for several weeks. It is common to have 10-15 sessions, but a course of CBT can be longer or shorter, depending on the nature and severity of the condition.

You have to take an active part, and are given 'homework' between sessions. For example, if you have social phobia, early in the course of therapy you may be asked to keep a diary of your thoughts which occur when you become anxious before a social event. Later on you may be given homework of trying out ways of coping which you have learned during therapy.

How effective is CBT?

CBT has been shown in clinical trials to help ease symptoms of various health problems. For example, research studies have shown that a course of CBT is just as effective as medication in treating depression and certain anxiety disorders. There may be long-term benefits of CBT as the techniques to combat these problems can be used for the rest of your life to help to keep symptoms away. So, for example, depression or anxiety are less likely to recur in the future. There is good research evidence too to show that CBT can help to improve symptoms of some physical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

What is the difference between CBT and other talking treatments?

CBT is one type of psychotherapy ('talking treatment'). Unlike other types of psychotherapy it does not involve 'talking freely', or dwell on events in your past to gain insight into your emotional state of mind. It is not a 'lie on the couch and tell all' type of therapy.

CBT tends to deal with the 'here and now' - how your current thoughts and behaviours are affecting you now. It recognises that events in your past, particularly thought patterns and behaviours learned in childhood, have shaped the way that you currently think and behave. However, it does not dwell on the past, but aims to find solutions to how to change your current thoughts and behaviours so that you can function better in the future.

CBT is also different to counselling which is meant to be non-directive, empathic and supportive. Although the CBT therapist will offer support and empathy, the therapy has a structure, is problem-focused and practical.

What are the limitations of CBT?

CBT does not suit everyone and it is not helpful for all conditions. You need to be committed and persistent in tackling and improving your health problem with the help of the therapist. It can be hard work. The 'homework' may be difficult and challenging. You may be taken 'out of your comfort zone' when tackling situations which cause anxiety or distress. However, many people have greatly benefited from a course of CBT.

How can I get CBT?

Your doctor may refer you to a therapist who has been trained in CBT. This may be a psychologist, psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse, or other health care professional. However, there is a limited number of CBT therapists available on the NHS. You may wish to go private if it is not available in your area on the NHS.

Do-it-yourself CBT

Although CBT with the help of a trained therapist is best, some people prefer to tackle their problems themselves. There are a range of books and leaflets on self-help for the problems which CBT is useful for (anxiety, phobias, depression, etc). More recently, interactive CDs and websites are being developed and evaluated for self-directed CBT for a variety of conditions. 



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